The OceanCleanUp: New Invention tackles Plastic Pollution from Rivers

The Ocean Cleanup has unveiled its latest invention, designed to prevent the unrelenting flow of plastic pollution into the world’s oceans by attacking the flow of plastic garbage from rivers.

Published 5 years ago

The Interceptor™ in operation in the Cengkareng Drain, Jakarta, Indonesia. Photo (c) The Ocean Cleanup.

The Interceptor™, which has been under development since 2015, complements the organization’s founding mission of cleaning up the world’s oceans, by attacking the flow of plastic garbage at its source, the world’s vast network of rivers.

“To truly rid the oceans of plastic, we need to both clean up the legacy and close the tap, preventing more plastic from reaching the oceans in the first place. Combining our ocean cleanup technology with the Interceptor™, the solutions now exists to address both sides of the equation,” said Boyan Slat, Founder and CEO of The Ocean Cleanup.

Four Interceptors™ have been built to-date; two systems are already operational in Jakarta (Indonesia) and Klang (Malaysia). A third system is in Vietnam to be installed in Can Tho in the Mekong Delta (Vietnam), while the fourth is destined to be deployed in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic). In addition to these locations, Thailand has signed up to deploy an Interceptor™ near Bangkok, and further agreements are nearing completion including one in LA County (California, US), kick-starting the scale-up.

Further reading:

For more information and to read about The Ocean Cleanup’s Interceptor™ project, click here.

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