Hurricane Relief, Support & Resources
September 2017 was a month of severe hurricane activity in the Atlantic and Caribbean Sea, in particular hurricanes Irma, Jose and now Maria, all leaving devastation in their wake. Here we continue to add to a useful list of ways in which you can help the relief effort, damage reports and how re-building is going, find support and access more information about how to deal with hurricanes and keep yourselves and your boat safe.
Published 7 years ago, updated 8 months ago
Lots of yachting visitors are needed in these islands over the coming season. Some hotels will not be functioning and land tourists are more easily put off, so let us give these islands some business next season and show our appreciation!
Chris Doyle
St. Maarten Marine Trades Association (SMMTA) has launched the site [BROKENLINK] , with the most up-to-date information on the state of the island following the 2017 hurricane season.
13/10/2017: The Recovery Process: Caribbean Tourism, Island by Island
IGY Marinas Caribbean – Update on repairs report
For Dominica see latest news items.
USA, Florida: Marina Conditions and Updates (from Salty Southeast Cruisers Net)
14/09/2017: Most Bahamas Marinas Open [BROKENLINK]
11/09/2017: Bahamas Update after Irma (Explorer Chartbooks)
Exuma Yacht Club suffered serious damage to its docks. A major rebuild will be required.
The Central and Northern Exumas did not seem to suffer any damage except perhaps for beach erosion and some downed trees.
Long Island was spared any major damage.
Ragged Island was devastated by Hurricane Irma. Apparently, the seven people who were not evacuated from the island survived, but the town itself has been deemed “uninhabitable” by government authorities. Most of the buildings are leveled, except for the Silvertail Lodge and a few others, and no government structures were left standing. The oil depot at Gun Point was also wiped out. The folks that survived the hurricane have also left the island. This is sad news for the many cruising boats that visit the Ragged Islands during the winter season. There will be none of the already limited facilities available. Boats cruising to the Ragged Islands are truly on their own.
Bimini experienced water over the streets and many buildings with floors underwater as well as marina docks under water and being hammered by waves. No report on the extent of the damage.
26/10/2017: Reliable Sites for Hurricane Relief Donations [BROKENLINK]
22/10/2017: Information for yachts bringing aid supplies to Antigua.
21/10/2017: US East Coast Boats needed to transport supplies
The International Rescue Group (IRG) need boats heading to the Caribbean for transporting aid supplies.
Contact Captain Ray Thackeray: Mobile +1 (954) 348-4409,
10/10/2017: See Dockwalk’s list of relief efforts in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Dominica, and the USVIs.
25/09/2017: From Chris Doyle – Dominica Donations
This is for those who would like to contribute more personally. This post is for the PAYS group. We are still out of touch but we know they will need funds and Hank Schmitt, who organizes the annual Yacht Appreciation Week in Portsmouth and the PAYS moorings, now has enough money for the moorings and all further contributions will go directly to the PAYS group for hurricane relief. If PAYS get more then they need, they will distribute to the local community. Right now, you may be confused because while there is a St. Martin Relief Fund on his site, the next part just says moorings contributions. This will change soon, His webmaster is working on it so it should change in a day or two, and if you want to wait, fine. Otherwise, you can contribute to the Caribbean Mooring Field and be assured the funds will be going directly to PAYS. I just did so. Hank is a great guy, he has done a huge amount for PAYS, and I have full confidence this is the best place to donate for PAYS. We are going to get everything up and running and PAYS Appreciation Week will be happening this season in the second half of February. Please help if you can.
23/09/2017: Martinique Cruisers Net DOMINICA relief update
Yesterday (Sat 23 Sept), we took delivery at Marina du Marin of two truckloads of goods from the Carrefour market at C.C. Annette (non-perishable food, bottled water, UHT milk, and personal hygiene products). Carrefour assigned four employees to help us out.
Two dozen+ volunteers (cruisers, Martinique Yachting Association and members of the local community) worked for many hours to unload the vans, shuttle the goods from the parking lot to the fuel dock and load them aboard the 15-meter catamaran Belline II. Marina du Marin graciously allowed us to use their fuel dock and electric utility cart for the loading effort.
Captain Arlette, first mate Jean-Pierre and crew Fionn, Diane and Craig departed Marin bound for Roseau very early this morning. In light of the security threat in Roseau, Douglas Rapier (Douglas Yacht Services) was instrumental in arranging a secure, offshore rendezvous point with escort vessels.
US Citizens
See FEMA’s website,, for information about response efforts in the U.S. territories of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands (St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas).
15/09/2017: Royal Marines Role in the BVI – Operation Ruman
10/09/2017: Two major cruise lines are sending ships to the USVIs and St. Martin with supplies and to take on passengers who want to return to the USA (they have to have valid passports), reportedly at no fee.
10/09/2017: Yachting Community Responds – Atlantic Rallies gearing up
Red Cross launches Hurricane Irma Appeal: This includes the British Red Cross’ Overseas Branches Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands, Montserrat, and the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Serve On are a search and rescue charity that will deploy to disaster zones and save lives.
Read about their action in the wake of Hurricane Irma here.
The Miami Herald has a list of recognized charities for Hurricane Irma disaster relief donations.
Hurricane Harvey: Disaster Relief & Donations | American Red Cross
Ways you can help assist victims of the storm in Barbuda:
Financial contributions can also be made to two key places below at this time. We know there are lots of funding links out there but these are the two very trusted sources we are confident will pass all money on to the relief efforts.
1. Make financial donations via the ticketing APP on behalf of the Antigua & Barbuda Red Cross. The ticketing APP is a locally owned and run company and will be passing on 100% of the funds donated to the Red Cross.
2. Make financial donations to the Curtain Bluff’s non-profit (501c3) “Old Road Fund”.
3. Adventure Antigua and Team Antigua – Atlantic Rowers are doing vital work to help provide relief support by taking the boat over with supplies first thing today. For anyone wishing to donate, Adventure Antigua will collect from clothing & household linens from anywhere on the island which will then be taken to a warehouse in Coolidge for sorting and distribution. Call 723 6355 to arrange.
4. Call Joely Anton-Hall (720-5282) at Best Cellars Wines and Spirits to drop off donations to be delivered by Adam Barrett via helicopter
5. Donate supplies at the Antigua Yacht Club Marina for ABSAR’s team that is transporting items to Barbuda and who will carry injured victims back to Antigua.
6. Barbuda is now under voluntary evacuation due to impending Hurricane Jose. If you have a room in your home you can open to a Barbudan, please call any of the following numbers 464-5056 / 736-3419 / 736-3420 /736-3421 / 736-3423
7. Drop donations at NODS on American Road (about halfway between All Saints Road and Factory Road. Unfortunately, they are not in a position to take cash support – that should be routed through the above agencies.
8. The Antigua and Barbuda Port Authority are collecting donations – right at the entrance to the Port. Please drop off supplies directly at the gate.
If you are aware of any relief efforts that we don’t have listed, please email and we will continue to update this post with new updates for as long as we have access to power.
If you wish to donate to the Hurricane Irma Relief Fund for Barbuda, volunteer to assist or locate friends and family in Barbuda, Log on to the Antigua and Barbuda Red Cross website at
Coast Guard establishes Miami area emergency phone line for mariners
Mariners in need of emergency assistance are urged to contact 911 first. If 911 service is unavailable, please contact (305) 953-4617 to reach the Coast Guard Sector Miami incident command post.
The ARRL has activated a radio net for those caught up in Hurricane Irma in the Caribbean.
Find out more at the OCC website –
Facebook Page for Hurricane Irma – Contact and Aid Group – SXM version
Facebook Page for Hurricane Irma – Contact and Aid Group – BVI version
Facebook Page for Hurricane Irma – Contact and Aid Group – St. Thomas version
Chris Parker Weather Centre – Storm Track
Cruisers’ Net is keeping abreast of Hurricane Irma by posting and updating storm-related information (predominantly for the USA) as it is received.
National Hurricane Centre –
Weather Resources for Hurricane Season (SY Totem)
Hurricane Prep – Reducing Windage (with more links in the article).
Useful advice if you are heading into a mangrove area.…/tying-into-mangroves…/
Preparing a Marina-Bound Boat for a Tropical Storm
Dive Industry Hurricane Recovery Update
As dive businesses physically located in the areas impacted by Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria work to reopen, you will find information on their operation status as provided by the businesses themselves at this link.
See noonsite’s Weather page, Hurricane section, for a range of useful links to advice and articles.
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