Hawaii: Sailors Rescued by Coast Guard and Container Ship Crew

The US Coast Guard along with crew from the merchant vessel Mahi Mahi rescued three sailors from the disabled 50-foot trimaran “Third Try” 825 miles northeast of the Hawaiian island of Oahu last week.

Published 4 years ago

The three sailors aboard were attempting a non-stop circumnavigation of the globe and their last known position was between California and Hawaii.

Rescues challenged by distance

Helicopter lowering a person on a winch cable.
The US Coast Guard was involved in the rescue of three sailors off Hawaii. Photo (c) US Coast Guard.

“One of our greatest challenges out here in the Pacific is distance,” said Lt. Diane French, a Joint Rescue Coordination Center (JRCC) command duty officer.

“First responders are often days away and we regularly rely on merchant vessel crews like the Mahi Mahi’s to assist with search and rescue cases. We are always grateful for their help.”

The crew of the Mahi Mahi brought the mariners back to Honolulu Thursday afternoon, July 11 2020.

There were no reports of injuries. A hazard to navigation notice to mariners has been issued regarding the derelict trimaran.

For the full story see:



Maritime Executive

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