French Polynesia: New No-Anchoring Zones for Raiatea and Tahaa Islands

The Directorate of Maritime Affairs of French Polynesia (DPAM) has announced the creation of new No-Anchoring Zones for Raiatea and Tahaa, in the Society Islands.

Published 2 years ago

Source: Direction Polynésienne des Affaires Maritimes (DPAM)

Creation of No-Anchoring Zones to protect cables and outfalls in inland waters around the islands of Raiatea and Tahaa.

In order to ensure the integrity of all cables and outfalls laid on the ground and in the lagoon around the islands of Raiatea and Tahaa, the Council of Ministers meeting of July 5, 2023 adopted regulatory measures for the creation of No-Anchoring Zones around them.

Source: DPAM

The exponential increase in activities on the waters of the islands of Raiatea and Tahaa (nautical, aquatic and underwater activities, yachting, leisure, sports and fishing), as well as the development of cruising (yachts), make it necessary to regulate the anchoring of vessels in the inland waters of these two islands.

It is essential to be able to manage potential conflicts of use in advance, as well as to ensure the integrity of essential installations, such as cables and various underwater outfalls, which could be damaged by the anchors of anchored ships.

The new regulatory framework is as follows:

  • In principle, anchoring is now prohibited in 7 protection zones (see appendices) for various cables, pipelines or submarine outfalls (Articles 1 and 2). Indeed, it is necessary to provide for a device to prevent ships’ anchors from snagging and damaging cables or outfalls.
  • Prohibition zones are delimited to form a perimeter extending up to 300 meters on either side of main cables and 50 meters around catchment and discharge outfall.
  • For safety reasons, however, the ban on anchoring in protection zones does not apply to vessels in charge of maintaining submerged installations, or those engaged in rescuing people or safeguarding property. Nor does it apply to the anchoring of vessels in circumstances of force majeure (Article 3).

A system of 5th-class contraventional penalties has also been introduced to punish any breach of the prohibition set out in the draft decree. (Article 5).


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