Caribbean: St Vincent Coast Guard Security Advice to Yacht Owners

Whilst this advice dates from 2008, it still stands today, not only for St. Vincent but for all the Caribbean islands.

Published 11 years ago, updated 1 year ago

Advice to Yacht Owners and Operators

Waterway Watch

· Do not encourage Strangers on your yacht.

· When in a foreign port seek the advice of officials (customs, immigration, and police) as to ship chandlers and water taxi, operators.

· Have them recommend or verify persons you intend to do business with such as water taxi operators etc.

· Do not expose expensive items such as cameras etc.

· Secure small boats and outboard engines onboard overnight.

· Remove access ladders when not in immediate use.

· Keep all doors, hatches and portholes secured.

· Keep a security watch while underway or if at anchor in a lonely and secluded area.

· Introduce yourself to other yacht owners when at anchor – this will assist them in identifying strangers should they board your vessel.

· If you are leaving your boat let other yacht owners in your vicinity know.

· Install audible access alarms.

· Keep deck lights on in the night.

· Do not anchor in dark, lonely and secluded areas.

· Report your arrival to Customs when in a country’s territorial waters.

· Know the local Coastguard contact telephone number.

· Know the local Police contact telephone number.

· Use only certified water taxi operators, avoid freelancers.

· Do not keep large sums of cash on board.


What to do –

Observe and report:

You know what is normal and what’s not. NEVER approach someone who may present a risk to you personally

  • Provide details and descriptions of Individuals; Vessel or vessels; Activity
  • Take notes


  • Anyone loitering near a boat or waterfront facility without apparent reason or purpose.
  • Anyone trying to forcibly access a boat or waterfront facility.
  • Any suspicious person trying to rent a boat but obviously unfamiliar with boating.
  • Any person who appears to be “casing” a boat or waterfront facility.
  • Anyone photographing or sketching or videotaping waterfront facilities without apparent purpose.
  • Anyone who appears too eager to use boating “lingo”.
  • Boaters who appear under the control of another party.
  • Boaters or others on the waterfront who seem to make an obvious effort to avoid contact with others.
  • Boats with unusual or obviously inappropriate modifications.
  • Cargo loads that maybe explosives, chemical containers or weapons.
  • Any boater dumping liquid or solid materials or any other unusual objects overboard.
  • Any activity that to you appears out of the ordinary.

Call the Police / Coast Guard number when you observe suspicious activity

Tell others about Waterway Watch.





Take notes – who, what, where, when

Take photographs if you can do so safely

Report what you have seen to

Police emergency 911 / 999

Coast Guard Operations: Tel: 457 4578 / 457 4554


Produced by St Vincent & Grenadines Coast Guard Service

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