Canary Islands, Gran Canaria: West Africa Submarine Cable

Yachts arriving in Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands either in preparation for an Atlantic Crossing or just to cruise the islands, are advised to be aware of the location of the West Africa Cable System (WACS) and 2Africa Submarine cables, as anchoring is prohibited near where the cables come ashore.

Published 2 mins ago

The West Africa Cable System (WACS), which was installed in 2011 and the 2Africa Cable system (installed in 2023) are subsea telecommunications cables that land at Grand Canaria Island and connect with more than 14 other countries in Europe and West Africa.

Subsea cables carry important communications, internet, telephone and other data. These cables carry more than 95% of international communications, with more capacity, speed and security than satellites, but they may be damaged by anchors, fishing gear and other activities.

These cables land in Salinetas Bay, approx. 9 NM south of the port of Las Palmas, where many transAtlantic yachts depart from. Salinetas Bay is partially sheltered and sailboats sometimes anchor nearby.

The approximate route of each cable and corresponding route positions off the coast of Gran Canaria are shown in the following link:

WACS and 2Africa Cable Locations and Co-ordinates

Spanish Cable protection law prohibits anchoring within 0.25 nautical miles on each side of cables where anchors, drag nets or other gear could cause damage.  Due to possible uncertainty in locations of marine operations, mariners are asked to keep anchors, fishing gear and other items that contact the seabed at least one mile away.

If your gear snags something that may be the cable, please do not try to lift it.  That could cause risks to the vessel, crew and cable.  Weight and tension of the cable could affect vessel stability and this cable may carry up to 3,000 volts of electrical current.

In case of a suspected snag on this cable call the following:

Contact Number +34 649 28 13 36

Globally, subsea cables suffer damage on average more than 150 times per year, sometimes by cruising sailboats.

For more information contact:

Maintenance Authority of Vodafone

Carlos Carrillo Llorente

Sea Risk Solutions

Luiz Souza

Sea Risk Solutions LLC, New Jersey USA

Member, International Cable Protection Committee


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