Access to the Tunisian Port of La Goulette Is Now Prohibited

Published 19 years ago, updated 6 years ago

The small port of La Goulette located next to the Tunis ferry and passenger terminal is no longer a port of entry and access to it is strictly prohibited. The small marina is now administered by Club Nautique de la Marine Tunisienne (the Yacht Club of the Tunisian Navy). As a result, it now has a military status and is therefore out of bounds for any private vessel. According to the Port Captain, any vessel that enters the port will be asked to leave immediately. Boats arriving from abroad should use one of the marinas at Sidi Bou Said (5 miles to the north) or Yasmin Hammamet. The Port Captain has asked noonsite to disseminate this information among cruising sailors as several yachts have been turned away recently, their skippers not being aware of the changed circumstances. The Port Captain insisted that even emergency stops may not be tolerated.

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