Cruising Resources: Cruising with Pets
If you have furry friends on board, be sure to know the rules for each country you plan to visit. Some countries will simply not permit pets to go ashore and others may demand quarantine. There are countries that will want a permit arranged in advance, which can be costly and time consuming and some that are happy as long as your pet has all their vaccinations and paperwork up to date. Cruising with a pet on board is not easy, so think very carefully about doing so.
This page has articles and links to helpful resources concerning cruising with pets.
Use the “Discover More” tab at the bottom of the page to explore.

Useful Info. Shared by our Users:
Read this 2023 report on crossing the Pacific with a dog on board and experiences with various country’s officials. The Logisitics of Sailing with a Pet.
Michelle Shultz arrived in French Polynesia from Panama with her dog, Izzy, in 2023. She told Noonsite, “I tried to use the info posted by some others about the pet import process to FP and needed clarification. I then contacted the biosecurity team in FP to get the process from them. I have taken the information on the process we followed with them and put it into a simple chart. I also had Tiphaine in the biosecurity department review the chart to be sure we know it is correct.” See Michelle’s very useful blog post here and associated infographic.
Reports by other publications:
How to take your Dog or Cat sailing (Yachting Monthly – Jan 2021)
More below.