Port de Plaisance Plouer
Business Contact Info
St Malo
Contact Details:
Phone: (+) 330296868315
Fax: (+) 330296891100
Email: plouer.portplaisance@wanadoo.fr
VHF: 09

Location 48° 31.5N, 001° 1.5W

10 visitors’ berths. Access (day or night) is when there is at least 8m above CD. The tide gauge at the entrance is not always easy to read. Usually possible to pick up a buoy outside the marina while waiting for sufficient water over the cill. Water, electricity, showers, toilets, laundry. No fuel.

Limited repair services, a good local restaurant, and bar.

Supplies, bars and restaurants and post office in the village, a 20 min walk up the hill.

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