Port Brunelet Marina
Business Contact Info
Baie de l'Orphelinat (south side)
8 rue Tardy de Montravel
BP 2960
Nouméa Cedex
New Caledonia
Contact Details:
Contact Person: Brunelet Port Captainry
Phone: (+687) 249600
Email: port.brunelet@sodemo.nc
Website: https://www.sodemo.nc/port-brunelet/

Places for 120 boats (10 – 25 meters) but no liveaboards. Close to all amenities. Sodemco Port agent on site daily.  Night security and secure parking.


  • Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • VHF monitoring channel 67, callsign: “Port Brunelet” 7 days a week from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

:  Assistance with mooring, pumping and recovery of black and gray water, selective sorting nearby with removal of waste and used oils at the exit of each pontoon, trolleys (a token is issued on deposit), water and electricity (5, 10 or 15A under 220 V) at each station, toilets (a magnetic chip is delivered to the harbor master upon payment of a deposit), parking spaces for bicycles, motorcycles and cars.

CAPTAINRY SERVICE :  Weather and tourist information, assistance with administrative formalities, display of classified advertisements concerning boating.  Alternative email:  contact@sodemco.nz

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