Antrac Maldives Pvt. Ltd
Business Contact Info
Level 2
M. Antrac Tower
Fareedhee Magu
Contact Details:
Contact Person: Mohamed Hameed
Phone: (+960) 3310096
Alternative Phone: (+)
Mobile Phone: (+960) 7776884
Fax: (+960) 3310129
VHF: 16

Agency for clearance and other services, also with offices in Uligamu and Gan.

Mr. Mohamed Sameer/Mohamed Hameed – Operations.

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  1. April 3, 2022 at 6:10 PM
    blue-brothers says:

    March 2022. Never use this agent, he is particularly dishonest ! He makes totally unjustified invoices. His friend in charge of immigration will only issue you the exit documents after full payment of his invoice. Neither the Maldivian Ministry of Tourism nor the consul (in our case from Belgium) could help us to unblock the situation.