The Care and Feeding of Sailing Crew, 4th Edition

The Care and Feeding of Sailing Crew
By Lin and Larry Pardey
Despite the title, this is hardly a cookbook; rather it s a primer on successful cruising. Certainly, anyone contemplating, or preparing for, off shore passages would want to read and then keep this volume aboard. A 50 day passage from Japan to Victoria, Canada in 1979 provides Lin a base for discussing everything from menus to clothing, to choosing a fresh chicken, to dealing with port officials, to preventing sea sickness, to buying liquor abroad as well as the best material for underwear.
This fourth edition incorporates ideas and information gathered by Lin and Larry during their more recent voyages through the Line Islands and south through the Pacific to New Zealand. The majority of chapters have been expanded to include the most up-to-date information on sources, supplies and new technology. Additional recipes and cooking ideas for use on cruising boats of all sizes have been added to ensure this valuable reference source continues to be relevant for all sailors who venture away from home, be it for a weekend cruise to nearby islands or a voyage around the world.
Lin and Larry were full time cruisers and professional sailors for some 40 plus years.
Related to the following Cruising Resources: Books, Cooking on Board, Cruising Information, Planning, Planning and Preparation