Aero-hydrodynamics and the Performance of Sailing Yachts

The science behind sailing yachts and their design

Drawing on state-of-the-art performance testing techniques in wind tunnels and towing tanks, this ground-breaking book provides invaluable new insights into how and why a sailing yacht behaves as it does. Fabio Fossati, a world expert in the field, has conducted years of research in wind tunnels, including work for several America¹s Cup campaigns, and his results represent the latest knowledge on the subject.

Aero-hydrodynamics and the Performance of Sailing Yachts presents a systematic analysis of the basic factors governing the behaviour of a yacht under sail. Using simple mathematics and illustrating his findings with tables, graphs and helpful colour photographs, Fossati examines the principles of fluid dynamics applied to sailing yachts, and the main aerodynamic and hydrodynamic aspects that determine their behaviour underway.

From the latest research in aerodynamics and hydrodynamics right through to performance prediction, this book is an essential and long-awaited work for all professional yacht designers, racing sailors and students of yacht design.

Fabio Fossati has been scientific coordinator for the wind tunnel testing of sailing yachts at Milan Polytechnic since 2004 and was in charge of wind tunnel testing for the Prada Challenge and Luna Rossa America’s Cup teams. He is currently Research Associate of the International Technical Committee of the Offshore Racing Congress and is also a keen sailor.

Aero-hydrodynamics and the Performance of Sailing Yachts is published by Adlard Coles Nautical (an imprint of A&C; Black)
Published: 18th December 2009
Price: £45.00
ISBN: 978-14081-13387

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