Red Sea Pilot: Aden to Cyprus (Mediterranean pilots & charts)

In the meticulously revised third edition of this comprehensive guide, authors Elaine Morgan and Stephen Davies build upon the foundations that have made Red Sea Pilot a classic title.
Covering the entire stretch of the Red Sea from Aden to Cyprus. Including ports and anchorages on the Red Sea coasts of Oman, Yemen, Aden, Djibouti, Eritrea, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the Gulf of Aqaba, the Suez Canal, Israel, and Cyprus. Over 70 anchorages were resurveyed and new ones explored.
One key improvement is the coverage of diving sites.
The leaps in sailing technology since the previous edition in the early 2000s are evident in this upgraded book. With advancements in satellite imagery, the book includes far more precise depictions of remote coastlines, harbours, and havens. Additionally, a dedicated section provides invaluable recommendations on readying your vessel for the unique conditions of the Red Sea.
By Elaine Morgan and Stephen Davies
Published by Imray (2024)
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