Chile to New Zealand
Published 17 years ago, updated 6 years ago
We are in South Chile and would like to sail to New Zealand/Australia end of the year say November. I think up the Chile coast to Valdivia then north offshore until able to make Easter Island Pitcairn comfortably. But with the cyclone season commencing and variable winds we wonder about a route from there to NZ. Could we keep south to stay safe but have to work hard with the winds? Any advice?
The other way past Cape Horn seems mighty long.
I would not advise you to sail across the entire South Pacific during the cyclone season as it is far too risky. The alternatives are to wait until March next year, or, as you suggest, sail east in the Roaring Forties but that’s a very long way.
There may be one other option: to sail NW from Chile (say Valdivia) then continue NW and later W so as to sail during the critical period (November to April) in low latitudes, possibly via the Northern Cooks. Below 8°S you should be safe from cyclones, but even there you must keep an eye on the weather.
Jimmy Cornell, Noonsite
Related to following destinations: Chile, Easter Island, New Zealand, Pitcairn Island
Related to the following Cruising Resources: Pacific Crossing, Routing