Saint Lucia, Anse La Ray: Raised (but not locked) dinghy & outboard stolen – April 2018
Thieves boarded overnight while the owners slept, and the raised (but not locked) dinghy/outboard was stolen from the davits.
Published 7 years ago, updated 6 years ago
DATE: 2018-04-14 02:00
Country Name: St. Lucia
Location Detail: Anse La Ray
EVENT: Theft
Stolen Items: Dinghy and 15 hp Yamaha outboard from davits
SECURED: Not Locked
A yacht was anchored alone in the bay.
Thieves boarded overnight while the owners slept, and the raised (but not locked) dinghy/outboard was stolen from the davits.
A $50 fee was charged when a police report was made.
Related to following destinations: St. Lucia
Related to the following Cruising Resources: Piracy & Security