Panama, Las Perlas, Isla Pedro Gonzalez: Outboard Theft – February 2013
Outboard stole from raised, locked dinghy on davits.
Published 12 years ago, updated 6 years ago
From Pedro Gonzalez, Isla Bernardo anchorage
23 February 2013
Early this morning, a dinghy engine (15HP Yamaha) was stolen in Isla Pedro Gonzalez, Las Perlas, Panama.
The yacht in question had not been negligent: the dinghy was up on the davit, with a cable securing the engine and a lock. Yet, just after the moon had set, about 0500, the yachties heard the noise of a panga outboard. They thought nothing of it. But when they went to lower their dink at about 1000, they noticed the engine gone. The cable had not been severed, but the lock had been cut and the engine was gone, right off the stowed dink.
The security guard on Pedro Gonzalez comes in at 0700, so nobody was watching the beach at that time.
We went ashore to report the theft. Lieutenant Oscar Miranda, the private security guard, was very understanding and called the island’s Aeronaval to take the yachties’ report. However, no action will be taken until the yachties file a formal complaint either in San Miguel (Isla del Rey) or in Panama City.
Once more, be vigilant. Use extra precaution in stowing the dink. Stowe it as high as you can. A bar-lock system is most efficient. Also, consider a cable-alarm system: no lock, the cable must be cut, which triggers a 120 lb. alarm. Having a dog on board is a pretty good alarm system, as well as motion-triggered lights.
Ironically, I had called this particular yacht a few days ago, alerting the owners of reported thefts in La Esmeralda Village, South-East Isla del Rey. They took my warning seriously and raised and locked their dink every night. Unfortunately, they got hit early this morning.
Be vigilant!
Marie Dufour
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