Tristan Radio – Edinburgh
Business Contact Info
Tristan da Cunha
Contact Details:
Contact Person: Andy Repetto
Phone: (+44) 2030142034
Alternative Phone: (+44) 2030145024
VHF: Channels 14, 16, 78 and 80

Tristan Radio acts as a coastal radio station and port control.  Visiting vessels should contact the station prior to their arrival, keep in contact during their stay, and advise when they are going to leave and their intended destination.

Communications Officer – Andy Repetto

Other email address:

Tel:  +44 (0) 20 3014 2034

After hours:   +44 (0) 20 3014 5024

VHF Channels 14, 16, 78 and 80

HF-SSB 4000 / 4149 / 6230 / 8294 MHz

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