New Caledonia: Situation Continues to Improve for Visiting Yachts

Following a state of emergency imposed in New Caledonia in May 2024 due to deadly unrest, the situation continues to improve for visiting yachts, provided the curfew is observed and general precautions are followed according to this first-hand cruising report.

Published 2 days ago, updated 23 hours ago

Noonsite Note:  The cruiser who provided this information wished to remain anonymous.

Obey Curfew and Follow Precautions

Following the May 2024 riots things have settled down for cruisers as long as general precautions are followed. Cruisers have been cautioned that there are still some hotspots in the rural areas. Clearance is back to the regular hours and regular procedures as noted on the Noonsite Clearance page. Noumea marinas and mooring fields are generally operating as normal. The grocery stores have stocked shelves again. Most businesses are open.

There is a strictly enforced curfew in place from 2200 to 0500 (10pm to 5am). Alcohol sales in shops, especially on weekends, may be restricted. It is best to stay in the harbour area after dark and to ensure you do not travel alone if you have to be out of the marina areas.

Cruisers have been cautioned not to venture to the rural areas and if possible stay within Noumea and Nouville while on land. Cruisers should check the current recommendation from authorities and fellow cruisers, as Ile Ouen and Canal Woodin have seen protests and disruptions from the locals.

looking towards a lighthouse on an island with the catamarans bow in the foreground.
New Caledonia anchorage (c) SV Starry Horizons

Cruisers are arriving from Vanuatu or Fiji and tend to leave as soon as they have suitable weather for onward passage to New Zealand or Australia. They are staying in Noumea marinas and mooring fields while they re-provision, rest and await a weather window. The majority of boaters are not exploring New Caledonia at this time, with only a few cruising boats out exploring the islands.

Anonymous Cruiser
Port Moselle Marina
New Caledonia
October 2024


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