Grenada, Halifax Bay: Thieves Foiled in Dinghy Theft Attempt

Thieves were unsuccessful in their attempt to steal an in-the-water and locked dinghy from a yacht that was anchored in Halifax Bay, Grenada according to a report made to the Caribbean Safety and Security Network. (CSSN).

Published 2 months ago

SOURCE:  CSSN Incident Report

DATE: 2024-08-03 03:37

LOCATION: Grenada – Grenada – Halifax Bay

EVENT:  Attempted Theft


STOLEN ITEMS:   Dinghy/Outboard

SECURED:  Locked


A yacht anchored in Halifax Bay.  In the morning, they found the line (painter) to their in-the-water and locked dinghy had been cut.  The thieves were not successful in this instance.  Owners reported that they noticed the remains of several other dinghies on the beach.


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