St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Mayreau: Thief Targets Beach Visitors

Cruisers who visited the remote Salt Whistle Bay on Mayreau in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines were targeted by a thief who stole a bag containing personal items.

Published 12 months ago

Source:  CSSN Incident Report

DATE:  2024-03-03 15:15

LOCATION:  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – Mayreau – Salt Whistle Bay

EVENT:  Theft


STOLEN ITEMS:   Bag with phone, cash and credit card



Cruisers walked to a remote NE beach on Mayreau. They observed a thief come from the bushes and steal their bag containing a phone, cash and credit card. They gave chase but were not successful. They did find a knife the thief had dropped.

A report was made to the police and Coast Guard, who seem to be very familiar with the individual who was identified. He confessed, surrendered the phone (not the cash or credit card) and they took him into custody and transported him to Union Island. He has other similar charges outstanding and was expected to be released pending trial.


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