Venezuela, Paria Peninsula: Yacht boarded, attacked and robbed by Pirates – November 2013
On Wednesday 13 November SY Explorer, on passage from Trinidad to Puerto La Cruz, was boarded by pirates 5nm from the Venezuelan coastline on approaching the Paria Peninsula.
Published 11 years ago, updated 6 years ago

First person report by Skipper Robert (Bob) Jackson of SY Explorer.
We are a couple Bob (74) the captain, an American, and Hella my mate (71) who is German. We sail a 44 foot Norseman and are currently based in Trinidad. We completed a 15-year circumnavigation in 2010.
I sailed to Puerto La Cruz from Trinidad about 20 years ago so I knew the route. Hella and I had discussed specific responses to an armed attack.
A few days ago the vessel “Joana” and ourselves on the boat “Explorer” cleared out of Trinidad bound for Puerto la Cruz, where I intended to go to get my chain galvanized there is no facility for that service in Trinidad. Diane and Wade on “Joana” were making the same trip and were looking for one or more boats to “Buddy Boat” with as we are all aware of the danger in the region we would be transiting.
We met the captain, Wade of “Joana”, at least two times before we departed to discuss the route, the precautions and the details of the buddy boating plan. The details were as follows: we were to sail beam to beam approximately 100 yards apart and it was the obligation of the faster boat to adjust their speed to match that of the slower boat. I specifically brought up that subject at the time of our meetings, explaining it in detail to the captain of “Joana” and he agreed. He added to this discussion the fact that if one boat was being attacked the other could ram the pirogue and deter the attack. We agreed to monitor channels VHF 16 and 71 continuously.
We spent the night in Scotland Bay in Trinidad and left at 7.30 am the next day. Wade led the way out of the bay but being a bigger boat and faster, gradually pulled ahead of us by a distance of approximately 2 miles. Since it was so early in the trip we had not yet communicated with “Joana” by VHF. We were occupied in getting control of our boats in a very sloppy sea created by strong currents. Prior to leaving Trinidad, we had agreed on a specific route and waypoints, and we hadn’t even reached the first waypoint when we were attacked. We followed the route as discussed with “Joana” at the meetings.
We were about 10 miles west of the tip of the Paria peninsula and 5 miles offshore at 10.30am in the morning when we were approached by a pirogue with a 75 horsepower motor with five men on board. They were on us in seconds with drawn revolvers, with one man remaining with their boat. I was below at the time doing navigation work and had no time at all to arrange for the deterrents that we carry for such an event. We had hardly cleared the safety of Trinidad waters when the incident occurred. We were not expecting anything to happen so soon.
At the time of the attack, “Joana” was completely out of sight. At no time during the attack did I hear anything on the radio from “Joana”. Our radio was working well but we could not transmit because the pirates had hacked off the microphones to both the VHF and the SSB. When they did start calling me on the VHF I heard them loud and clear, but that was 15 minutes after the attack and we were already heading back to Trinidad. The implication from the report that “Joana” put on Noonsite was that there was something wrong with our radio. That is not true, our radio was working perfectly before the microphones were hacked off.
I started up the companionway and found myself looking down the barrel of a revolver. I have dragged the rest of the way up by one of the pirates, roughed up, and had my hands tied with a piece of rope which the pirate had cut off my control lines to my mainsheet traveller. I was pushed down on the aft deck. I watched Hella sitting in the cockpit being pistol-whipped by one of the pirates which opened up a gash in her forehead and within seconds she was covered with blood. I attempted to get up to go to her but was pistol-whipped myself, opening up a large piece of skin on the back of my head and was covered with blood as well. At that point, the pirate took the tail end of the rope my hands were tied with and lashed me to the cleat on the aft deck so I couldn’t move.
Another pirate was trying to remove the gold wedding rings from Hella’s finger. Hella is a German widow. It is a German custom that if your husband dies you wear his ring as well as your own. As his ring was larger it was worn over Hella’s band. As Hella has gotten older her fingers have swollen and the removal of the rings was nearly impossible. The pirate brutally pulled and twisted the rings causing great pain. He then reached over and removed my dive knife which I keep strapped to the binnacle for emergency cutting of foul lines and was preparing to slice off Hella’s finger to remove the rings. Fortunately, the rings finally came off and Hella kept her finger.
The rest of the pirates at that time were ransacking the boat, stealing money, cameras, binoculars, power tools, cell phones, laptop computer etc., but were convinced that we had more money hidden somewhere than what they found in our wallets. I was unleashed from the stern cleat and pushed down below where I sat on the navigation seat. Sign language (these were Venezuelan nationals who spoke no English) was used to indicate that they wanted more money – the one word of English they knew. A gun barrel was placed to my head, the gun was cocked and the pirate pointed to Hella in the cockpit and drew a finger across his throat.
At that point, one of the pirates stood at the companionway and fired three shots into the interior of the boat. The bullets lodged in the drawers under the chart table where I was sitting. Both Hella and I were convinced that they were going to kill us before the left. However, one of the pirates looked up and saw a coastal freighter heading eastbound that was about to pass about a mile away from us. Hella stood up and raised her hands to show that she was tied up and was clubbed down for her effort with the butt of a pistol. I don’t think the coastal freighter saw what was happening, however, the presence of the freighter nearby frightened the pirates and they left as fast as they had come. That ship probably saved our lives. All told the attack lasted about half an hour. I don’t know where the pirates went after they left.
We returned to Trinidad and stopped at the Coast Guard station. We were treated for our wounds and wrote a report about the attack. We were treated very well by the Coast Guard who were sympathetic and helpful. They wanted to take us to the hospital but we refused.
I would never do that trip again and would advise anyone else not to do this either. We are thankful to be alive. These pirates were ruthless.
Robert Jackson
SY Explorer
First person report by Skipper Wade Alarie of SY Joana.
We had made an agreement with SV Explorer to sail as buddy boats from Chaguaramas to PLC. We delayed our departure for nearly a month to meet the required departure date of Explorer. Explorer was behind Joana as we left the Boca and over the next hour, was at what appeared to be a constant, and comfortable distance. In time, the distance started to increase. We could see Explorer (with the naked eye) setting the whisker pole, changing course and trying to get the best speed. We tried to raise Explorer on the radio but got no response. After 3 hours, they had slowly fallen back and we couldn’t even see them with our binoculars – so we slowed down to 5 knots for the next 4 hours. 7 hours into the trip, we were hailed by Trinidad Coast Patrol radio, who informed us that Explorer had a “pirate incident” and had returned to Chaguaramas. Unfortunately, we could garner no more info. We were completely unaware of any threat.
We continued our passage and ramped up the speed as best we could. We had a completely uneventful trip. We had to use our searchlights a few times and warned fishermen to stay away – and were completely attentive at all times. We have not been able to contact Explorer yet, but feel terrible for what has happened.
It would seem that Buddy boating for security reasons is very difficult to maintain, and may offer little other than an illusion of safety.
Related to following destinations: Venezuela
Related to the following Cruising Resources: Piracy & Security